Galileo Galilei Institute supports joint research projects on areas of shared expertise between Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa and the University of Chongqing.
The Institute carries out excellence projects in collaboration with several departments of the prestigious Chinese university and promotes academic dialogue between professors of the University of Chongqing and several Italian institutions.
As a member of the Institute’s ‘Circle of Friends’, our Senior Partner Francesco Brugnatelli told Mr Marco Bonaglia about his experience: “Our interest in the Chinese market and our relationship with Chinese clients have been developed by me, based on my passion for the Chinese culture. We have built partnerships with some local authorities, we have assisted Chinese companies after they acquired Italian companies (including in the field of governance), as well as individuals and families who chose to come to Italy. Also because of my relationships with some Chinese colleagues, I have assisted important Chinese companies in international arbitrations. In the last two years, also due to the pandemic, we have developed contacts and relations with Chinese people and entities in Italy, a very lively and dynamic reality, thanks also to the increasing number of Chinese foreign students enrolled in our universities and academies”.
The text (in Italian) of the entire interview is available here.