Atty Panciroli at a special event on March 8th.
The proceeds were donated to SVS DAD, an Association established in 1997 at Mangiagalli clinic in Milan, in parallel with Soccorso Violenza Sessuale e Domestica (Sexual and Domestic Violence Relief Unit) of Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico. Over the years, the Association has provided shelter to those who have suffered violence and mistreatment, legal and psychological assistance to women and minors who are victims of direct or assisted violence, and support for autonomy also through integration and connection with territorial services and study assistance.
On this occasion, our firm’s Partner, Atty Laura Panciroli, emphasised how commonplaces and stereotypes make it difficult to recognise and denounce gender-based violence. In fact, prejudices about women are still encountered in trials in which they are injured parties.