Pietro Ichino has been a Partner in Studio Legale Ichino Brugnatelli e Associati since 1985. Pietro concentrates his practice in the area of trade union, employment and labour law, and in his representations he encompasses his extremely wide experience in such fields, which he also gained during his long political career.
Professional Affiliations: Director of European Master in Labour Studies at Università degli Studi di Milano from 1999 to 2008; Labour Law Chair holder at Università degli Studi di Milano since 1991; Extraordinary Chair holder in Università di Cagliari from 1986 to 1991; Researcher in the Labour Law Department of Università degli Studi di Milano from 1981 to 1986. Lecturer at various Italian Universities and at the Universities of Copenhagen, Louvain, Bordeaux, and Vienna for twenty years.
Director of the quarterly review “Rivista Italiana di Diritto del Lavoro” from 2002 to 2008; Vice Director of the said review from 1991 to 2002, and previously, since 1985, Chief Editor in the same, directed by Professor Giuseppe Pera at that time.
Head of the Legal Services Coordination Department of the Italian trade union “Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro” from 1974 to 1979.
Representative of the same trade union in the Mechanical Engineering sector from 1969 to 1973.
Political Career: member of the Italian Senate for two subsequent legislatures, the XVI and the XVII, from April 2008 to March 2018. Member of the Italian Parliament and part of the Labour and Social Security Committee of the Chamber of Deputies from 1979 to 1983.
Awards: in 2009 Pietro won the “Oscar” award by “Il Riformista” for best Member of the Parliament of the year; in 2007 he was granted the APE (Association for Economic Progress) Award for the best idea of the year for co-drafting with Professor Bernardo Mattarella a bill aimed at best practices in the evaluation and transparency of the public administrations. In the same year Pietro won Ezio Tarantelli Award by “Club dell’Economia”, because “by urging an independent Authority to be appointed for accurate and reliable evaluation of the efficiency of public bodies and civil servants, he definitely highlighted the utmost importance of labour productivity and fairness in workers’ treatment; furthermore, he pointed out that public administration improvement is vital to the development of the whole Country”.
In 2005, Pietro was honoured by the President of Italy Republic, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, as eminent scholar and editorialist.
In 2004 Pietro was awarded the National Manpower GIDP World of Work Prize “for his high contribution to the critical interpretation of our labour legislation, and for newly conveying rational meaning to those issues, meeting sensibly both enterprise and labour needs” .
Editorialist in “Corriere della Sera” since 1997. In addition to frequent articles and essays regarding labour and trade union law, mostly published in “Rivista giuridica del lavoro” and “Rivista italiana di diritto del lavoro”, Pietro authored or co-authored the following books.
- “Il lavoro e il mercato”, 1996, awarded “Scanno Giancarlo Capecchi Prize” as the best Italian book about industrial relations in 1997, and “Walter Tobagi Prize” as the best essay in the field of political and social studies in 1998;
- “I nullafacenti. Perché e come reagire alla peggiore ingiustizia della nostra amministrazione pubblica”, Mondadori Publishing Company, 2006;
- “A che cosa serve il sindacato?”, Mondadori Publishing Company, 2005; 5th edition, 2007;
- “Lezioni di diritto del lavoro. Un approccio di labour law and economics”, Giuffré Publishing Company, 2004 – author;
- “Il lavoro e il mercato. Per un diritto del lavoro maggiorenne”, Mondadori Publishing Company, 1996 – author;
- “Lavoro interinale e servizi per l’impiego: il nuovo quadro di riferimento”, Giuffré Publishing Company, 1995 – co-author;
- “Il lavoro subordinato: definizione e inquadramento. Artt. 2094 – 2095” , in “Commentario del Codice civile” produced by P. Schlesinger, Giuffré Publishing Company, 1992 – author;
- “Subordinazione e autonomia nel diritto del lavoro”, Giuffré Publishing Company, 1989 – author;
- “Esercitazioni di diritto del lavoro”, Giuffré Publishing Company, 1988 (2nd edition 1992, 3rd edition 1997, renamed “Il diritto del lavoro in 500 domande e risposte”) – author;
- “L’orario di lavoro e i riposi. Artt. 2107 – 2109”, in “Commentario del Codice civile” produced by P. Schlesinger, Giuffré Publishing Company, 1987 – author;
- “Il tempo della prestazione nel rapporto di lavoro”, Giuffré Publishing Company, 1984 – 1985- author;
- “Il collocamento impossibile. Problemi e prospettive di riforma del mercato del lavoro”, De Donato Publishing Company, 1982 – author;
- “Diritto alla riservatezza e diritto al segreto nel rapporto di lavoro. La disciplina della circolazione delle informazioni in azienda”, Giuffré Publishing Company, 1979 – author;
- “Diritto del lavoro per i lavoratori”, De Donato Publishing Company, 1975 – 1977 (2nd edition, 1978) – author.
Further treatises edited by Pietro follow:
- “Il diritto del lavoro e i confini dell’impresa” (In the Acts of the National Conference of “Associazione Italiana di Diritto del Lavoro” held in Trento, June 4th -5th, 1999), Giuffré Publishing Company, 1999 – author;
- “Il contratto di lavoro”, in “Trattato di diritto civile e commerciale” by Cicu-Messineo-Mengoni, Milano, Giuffré Publishing Company: volume I, 2000; volumes II and III, 2003 – author.