Pietro Ichino – Founder


Pietro Ichino has been a Partner in Studio Legale Ichino Brugnatelli e Associati since 1985. Pietro concentrates his practice in the area of trade union, employment and labour law, and in his representations he encompasses his extremely wide experience in such fields, which he also gained during his long political career.

Professional Affiliations: Director of European Master in Labour Studies at Università degli Studi di Milano from 1999 to 2008; Labour Law Chair holder at Università degli Studi di Milano since 1991; Extraordinary Chair holder in Università di Cagliari from 1986 to 1991; Researcher in the Labour Law Department of Università degli Studi di Milano from 1981 to 1986. Lecturer at various Italian Universities and at the Universities of Copenhagen, Louvain, Bordeaux, and Vienna for twenty years.

Director of the quarterly review “Rivista Italiana di Diritto del Lavoro” from 2002 to 2008; Vice Director of the said review from 1991 to 2002, and previously, since 1985, Chief Editor in the same, directed by Professor Giuseppe Pera at that time.

Head of the Legal Services Coordination Department of the Italian trade union “Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro” from 1974 to 1979.

Representative of the same trade union in the Mechanical Engineering sector from 1969 to 1973.

Political Career: member of the Italian Senate for two subsequent  legislatures, the XVI and the XVII, from April 2008 to March 2018. Member of the Italian Parliament and part of the Labour and Social Security Committee of the Chamber of Deputies from 1979 to 1983.

Awards: in 2009 Pietro won the “Oscar” award by “Il Riformista” for best Member of the Parliament of the year; in 2007 he was granted the APE (Association for Economic Progress) Award for the best idea of the year for co-drafting with Professor Bernardo Mattarella a bill aimed at best practices in the evaluation and transparency of the public administrations. In the same year Pietro won Ezio Tarantelli Award by “Club dell’Economia”, because “by urging an independent Authority to be appointed for accurate and reliable evaluation of the efficiency of public bodies and civil servants, he definitely highlighted the utmost importance of labour productivity and fairness in workers’ treatment; furthermore, he pointed out that public administration improvement is vital to the development of the whole Country”.

In 2005, Pietro was honoured by the President of Italy Republic, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, as eminent scholar and editorialist.

In 2004 Pietro was awarded the National Manpower GIDP World of Work Prize “for his high contribution to the critical interpretation of our labour legislation, and for newly conveying rational meaning to those issues, meeting sensibly both enterprise and labour needs” .



Editorialist in “Corriere della Sera” since 1997. In addition to frequent articles and essays regarding labour and trade union law, mostly published in “Rivista giuridica del lavoro” and “Rivista italiana di diritto del lavoro”, Pietro authored or co-authored the following books.

  • “Il lavoro e il mercato”, 1996, awarded “Scanno Giancarlo Capecchi Prize” as the best Italian book about industrial relations in 1997, and “Walter Tobagi Prize” as the best essay in the field of political and social studies in 1998;

  • “I nullafacenti. Perché e come reagire alla peggiore ingiustizia della nostra amministrazione pubblica”, Mondadori Publishing Company, 2006;

  • “A che cosa serve il sindacato?”, Mondadori Publishing Company, 2005; 5th edition, 2007;
  • “Lezioni di diritto del lavoro. Un approccio di labour law and economics”, Giuffré Publishing Company, 2004 – author;

  • “Il lavoro e il mercato. Per un diritto del lavoro maggiorenne”, Mondadori Publishing Company, 1996 – author;

  • “Lavoro interinale e servizi per l’impiego: il nuovo quadro di riferimento”, Giuffré Publishing Company, 1995 – co-author;

  • “Il lavoro subordinato: definizione e inquadramento. Artt. 2094 – 2095” , in “Commentario del Codice civile” produced by P. Schlesinger, Giuffré Publishing Company, 1992 – author;

  • “Subordinazione e autonomia nel diritto del lavoro”, Giuffré Publishing Company, 1989 – author;

  • “Esercitazioni di diritto del lavoro”, Giuffré Publishing Company, 1988 (2nd edition 1992, 3rd edition 1997, renamed “Il diritto del lavoro in 500 domande e risposte”) – author;

  • “L’orario di lavoro e i riposi. Artt. 2107 – 2109”, in “Commentario del Codice civile” produced by P. Schlesinger, Giuffré Publishing Company, 1987 – author;

  • “Il tempo della prestazione nel rapporto di lavoro”, Giuffré Publishing Company, 1984 – 1985- author;

  • “Il collocamento impossibile. Problemi e prospettive di riforma del mercato del lavoro”, De Donato Publishing Company, 1982 – author;

  • “Diritto alla riservatezza e diritto al segreto nel rapporto di lavoro. La disciplina della circolazione delle informazioni in azienda”, Giuffré Publishing Company, 1979 – author;

  • “Diritto del lavoro per i lavoratori”, De Donato Publishing Company, 1975 – 1977 (2nd edition, 1978) – author.

Further treatises edited by Pietro follow:

  • “Il diritto del lavoro e i confini dell’impresa” (In the Acts of the National Conference of “Associazione Italiana di Diritto del Lavoro” held in Trento, June 4th -5th, 1999), Giuffré Publishing Company, 1999 – author;

  • “Il contratto di lavoro”, in “Trattato di diritto civile e commerciale” by Cicu-Messineo-Mengoni, Milano, Giuffré Publishing Company: volume I, 2000; volumes II and III, 2003 – author.

Evangelista Basile


Evangelista has been a Partner in Studio Legale Ichino Brugnatelli e Associati since the end of 2001, soon after completing the European Master in Labour Studies. Earlier that year he was in charge of training the Judges of the Conseils de Prud’hommes in Toulouse with CFDT (Confédération française démocratique du travail). Despite starting his career with a law firm specializing in civil law disputes, his activity now focuses on consultancy and litigation in the field of labour and trade union law mainly, and only to a lesser degree in the field of civil law.

Professional Affiliations: teacher of professional training with AIDP (namely, Associazione Italiana per la Direzione del Personale, i.e. Italian Association of HR Managers), and ANCL (namely, Associazione Nazionale dei Consulenti del Lavoro, i.e. Country-wide Italian Association of Employment Counsels); teacher of post-graduation courses and seminars organized by Euroconference.

Publications: author of many articles in “Rivista italiana di diritto del lavoro”, author of notes and commentaries regularly published by Italian Law Journals specializing in Labour Law such as “La Circolare” and “Il Giurista”.


Francesco Brugnatelli


Francesco joined Studio Legale Ichino Brugnatelli e Associati in 2001, soon after graduation, and he is now Partner of the Firm.

He concentrates his practice in commercial and corporate law issues and, to a lesser extent, on labour and social security law.

He provides advice and assistance to banks (e.g. in the areas of financing, international guarantees, leasing, corporate restructuring procedures, administrative fines), to managers, directors, statutory auditors, and companies in corporate matters, as well as to individuals, in the areas of privacy, health and the related forms of liability, and property rights).

In recent years he has developed an extensive network of relationships in Italy and China, advicing Italian companies in their internationalization processes and assisting Chinese clients, including individuals, with the acquisition of assets – corporate and real estate – in Italy, as well as with the subsequent management thereof: governance, employment and distribution contracts, restructuring, residence permits for qualified workers and executives, etcetera.

Professional Affiliations: Bankruptcy Section of the Court of Milan (in Italian acronymized as “SISCO”); Member of the Board of Directors of “Fondazione Luigi Clerici” (organization focusing on training and pro-bono projects) from 1996 to 2013. From 1989 to 2001 he worked with the Bishop’s Labour Office of Milan. He also volunteered with many non-profit associations in Lombardy.

Teacher and panelist at conferences and professional training with a special focus on corporate law and on cultural and corporate relations between Italy and China.

Publications: co-author of a bilingual guide to Italian labour law (Italian and Chinese) designed to overcome the cultural gap between Italian and Chinese legal mindsets and business approaches. He has also written various articles on corporate and labour law. Author of: “Una storia importante. I giovani lavoratori con il Cardinale Martini”, published by In dialogo, 1996; “Il posto del lavoro”, published by Monti, 2002.


Guglielmo Burragato


Guglielmo Burragato has been a Partner in Studio Legale Ichino Brugnatelli e Associati since 1998. He joined our Firm in 1993, one year after being admitted to Bar.

Guglielmo mainly engages in labour law practice, also including social security legislation and its application, as well as advising on contractual, insurance, and different regulatory matters. He represents Italian and foreign clients in mediation, arbitration, and litigation, comprising individual and class actions. He handles a wide range of interests – such as banks, insurance companies, manufacturing and service companies – and dispute resolutions involving different areas of business law, civil law, and bankruptcy regulations.

Guglielmo had already gained extensive experience in his previous position in Filippo Menichino’s Law Firm, specializing in labour and social security law, and as a researcher for several years in the Department of Labour Law of Milan’s University.

Professional Affiliations: Lecturer at seminars and workshops on employment law matters on a regular basis.

Publications: author of various essays and articles about labour law issues.

Margherita Covi


Margherita joined Studio Legale Ichino Brugnatelli e Associati in 1996, after graduating with honours from Università degli Studi di Milano, where she subsequently worked as researcher and lecturer in the Labour Law Institute.

After admission to Bar, she has practiced labour law with a special focus on employment and social security issues, representing at Court leading domestic and foreign banks, as well as other companies in the tertiary sector and in the aeronautics industry. Margherita also serves counsel on either contentious or non-contentious issues.

Professional Affiliations: Member of AGI, Associazione Giuslavoristi Italiani (i.e. the Italian Employment Lawyers Association).

Publications: author of various essays and articles in “Rivista italiana di diritto del lavoro”.





Luca Daffra


Luca Daffra joined Studio Legale Ichino Brugnatelli e Associati in 2006. He mainly engages in employment law and labour law, handling social security issues and privacy-related matters, advising clients on contentious or non-contentious matters, and representing either individual or company clients at Court.

Luca had previously practiced employment law with MDM Studio and Simmons & Simmons for four years.

Andrea Fortunat


Andrea has been a Partner in Studio Legale Ichino Brugnatelli e Associati since 2001. He focuses on consultancy and advice on contentious and non-contentious matters related to employment law and commercial law, mainly in the field of cooperative and social security law. He regularly advises enterprises on insurance and pension plan issues.

Publications: author of several publications on employment, cooperative and social security law issues.


Carlo Fossati


Partner of Studio Legale Ichino Brugnatelli e Associati since 2006. When he joined the Firm in 2003, Carlo was already an accomplished litigator thanks to his previous ten year experience with two domestic Law Firms, specializing in business law and in labour law respectively.

Carlo regularly advises domestic and multinational companies on labour law issues related to mergers and acquisitions, restructuring and reorganisations, redundancies and downsizing. His assistance includes drafting of contracts such as employment, agency, supplier, confidentiality, and settlement agreements, as well as incentive plans, and legal opinions on various matters.

Carlo’s company clients span from the banking and financial sectors to fashion, telecommunication, chemical and industrial sectors.

Chairman of AGI University Relations Commission (i.e., in charge of its relations with University), member of AGI Steering Committee.

Member of EELA, the European Employment Lawyers Association.

Lecturer at Scuola di perfezionamento e Pratica Forense dell’Ordine degli Avvocati di Milano (i.e. School of Improvement and Legal Practice of Milan’s Bar).

Teacher of Masters organized by Euroconference and by Sole 24 Ore Formazione, linked to Sole 24 Ore, major business daily newspaper in Italy.

Teacher of professional training with AIDP (namely, Associazione Italiana per la Direzione del Personale, i.e. Italian Association of HR Managers), and ANCL (namely, Associazione Nazionale dei Consulenti del Lavoro, i.e. Country-wide Italian Association of Employment Counsels).

Publications: author of several articles and commentaries on employment and labour law topics in the main reviews of the labour law sector, such as “Rivista Italiana del Diritto del LAvoro”, “Diritto e Pratica del Lavoro”, “Il Consulente del Lavoro”, “Guida alle paghe”.

Co-Author and Editing Director of “Lavoro all’estero – Aspetti giuridici, previdenziali e fiscali”, published by IPSOA in 2005.

Awards: 1992, Premio Ludovico Barassi, for the best graduation degree thesis on Employment Law in Italy (i.e. extensive research paper and the relevant dissertation at the graduation final exam).

Professional Affiliations: Member of AGI, Avvocati Giuslavoristi Italiani (i.e. Italian Employment Lawyers Association).

Francesco Antonio La Badessa


Francesco joined Studio Ichino Brugnatelli e Associati in February 2016, bringing in the resources and expertise of the labour law department of Studio Legale Pantè – La Badessa, having been co-founder thereof.

He provides advice and represents company clients or individuals, such as managers and professionals, in all kinds of cases relating to due diligence operations in view of mergers, acquisitions, reorganizations or corporate restructuring: his twenty-year experience in the areas of labour law and industrial relations is focused in particular on labour procurement and the provision of manpower.

Piergiovanni Mandruzzato


Piergiovanni Mandruzzato has joined the Firm in April 2014. His experience is focused on employment law and social security law, in relation to labour law issues connected to business transfer, restructuring / reorganizations and the consequent issues of staff reduction, the management of disputes and conflicts, whether collective or individual.
He regularly advises company clients on every aspects of the employment relationships, including terminations and the obligations of non-competition following thereto, and also relative to the establishment, execution and termination of agency relationships.

He has also gained extensive experience in Court in the areas of labor law and social security law, representing and defending clients, both Italian and multinational companies operating in Italy, in disputes before the judicial authorities at all levels.

Prior to joining Ichino Brugnatelli, Piergiovanni worked for some years in the law firm LABLAW, specializing exclusively in employment law and trade union law, and before that, he held the position of Senior Counsel at Allen & Overy, in charge of the department Italian Labour Law. At the beginning of his career he collaborated with some other law firms in Milan (Paolo Andreotti, and Gianni, Origoni & Partners).

Professional Affiliations: Member of AGI, Associazione Giuslavoristi Italiani (i.e. the Italian Employment Lawyers Association), American bar Association (ABA), International Bar association (IBA), and European Employment Lawyers Association (EELA) .

Chairman of several Conventions held by Industry Associations of and action on business and legal matters, as well as speaker in various seminars.

Free-Lance class lecturer and HR management training session leader.

Associate teacher of Labour Law and EU Law at the Post-Graduate Law School of the University of Brescia.

Publications: Co-author of “International Labor and Employment Laws – ABA – Section of Labor and Employment Law” published by BNA Books, having drafted the part relative to Italian Labour Law.

Laura Panciroli


Partner of Ichino Brugnatelli e Associati since January 2021, after being the firm’s reference point for criminal law matters for many years, Laura Panciroli specialises in criminal labour law, in both public and private contexts, dealing mainly with offences contested or suffered by entrepreneurs, managers, professionals, and employees, assisting clients both in and out of court. She handles matters related to accidents at work, medical malpractice cases, tax crimes, computer crimes, corporate crimes, crimes against the public administration and against property in general.

Laura also deals with crimes against persons, mainly because of her twenty years’ membership of the SVS DAD Association, at the Mangiagalli Clinic in Milan, which assists victims of stalking, mistreatment, and sexual violence.

Lecturing: panelist of the courses “Corporate criminal law” and “Crimes at work and defence strategies”, organised by the Euroconference Spa Group, teacher with “Captha” in masters on “banking offences” and “corporate liability ex Legislative Decree 231 / 2001”, for the Milan Bar Association in training courses on “child labour”, Laura also offers training courses for companies on safety at work and for dentists with the “sentinel dentist” project. Speaker in various public and private venues on the issues of gender-based violence, ill-treatment in the family and economic violence.

Sergio Passerini


Sergio joined Studio Legale Ichino Brugnatelli e Associati in 2000, already an accomplished litigator focusing on disputes concerning trade unions and employment law issues. He became a Partner in 2008.

Sergio still concentrates his practice in the area of trade union and labour law, either serving counsel or representing clients at Court, but he also handles dispute resolutions involving different areas of civil law, bankruptcy law, and commercial litigation, in various sectors spanning from banking to other services in the third sector, from entertainment to scientific research.

Professional Affiliations: Member of AGI, Avvocati Giuslavoristi Italiani (i.e. the Italian Employment Lawyers Association), and of its Executive Council in Lombardy .

Publications: author of various articles about labour law.



Franco Tofacchi


Franco Tofacchi has been a Partner in Studio Legale Ichino Brugnatelli e Associati since 2008, two years after joining our Firm. He came to us from Studio Legale Bonelli, Erede Pappalardo where he held the position of Senior Lawyer of the Labour Law Department.

Prior to this, Franco had worked with Studio Associato Spagnuolo Vigorita from 1991 to their merging into Studio Legale Tributario – associated in turn with Ernst & Young – and beyond, as he became Associate of the latter in 2001. After two years he was named Partner and Head of the Labour Law Department of their Milan Office.

Professional Affiliations: Member of AGI, Associazione Giuslavoristi Italiani (i.e. the Italian Employment Lawyers Association) since it was established, in 2002.

Chairman of several Conventions held by Industry Associations of and action on business and legal matters, as well as speaker in various seminars.

Free-Lance class lecturer and HR management training session leader.

Scholar at Università degli Studi di Milano, Labour Law Institute, from 1991 to 2003.

Publications: author of various essays and articles about labour law as well as issues concerning trade unions, such as disciplinary cases, trade union rights, personnel’s exposure to toxic substances, such as asbestos, employer’s civil liability, in “Rivista italiana di diritto del lavoro”, “Massimario della giurisprudenza del lavoro”, “Guida alle paghe”, “Diritto e Pratica del lavoro”, and other law reviews and digests.



Massimo Pallini


Massimo Pallini joined the firm in March 2021, bringing in his team of lawyers.

He provides legal counselling and judicial assistance in matters of labour law, industrial relations, public employment and social security. Since 1998, he had been practising as a free-lance lawyer.

He advised the Directorate-General for Employment of the European Commission on preparatory studies for Directive 2014/67/EU (COM/2012/131 final), concerning the enforcement of Directive 96/71/EC concerning worker secondments in the framework of the provision of services between Member States, and he is currently advising on studies to assess the impact of a possible reform of the rules on the application of competition law to the recruitment of self-employed and para-subordinate workers (COMP/2020/008).

From 2015 to 2017, he was a member of the Government Commission to assess the effects of the so-called Jobs Act reform.

He holds the chair of labour law and industrial relations at the State University of Milan, where he currently teaches courses on labour law institutions, European and comparative labour law and labour law in public administration.

He is Deputy Director of the 2nd Level Master Course in labour law and industrial relations at the University of Milan.

Professional Affiliations: member of Associazione Italiana di Diritto del Lavoro e della Sicurezza Sociale (Association of Italian Labour Law and Social Security Experts – AIDLaSS); member of AGI, Associazione Giuslavoristi Italiani (i.e., Italian Employment Lawyers Association)

Member of the Boards of Editors of Rivista Italiana di Diritto del LavoroRivista Giuridica del Lavoro e della Previdenza Sociale, and Rivista del diritto della Sicurezza Sociale.

Publications: author of many publications (monographs, essays, notes to judgments, conference papers) on labour law and industrial relations.


Mario Miceli


Mario Miceli joined Studio Legale Ichino Brugnatelli e Associati as a Partner in January 2022. He came to us from Studio Pessi e Associati, where he had gained a wide range of experience for 25 years, being one of its co-founders.

Mario specialises in labour, trade union, and social security law. In his career, he has handled complex, high-value claims involving company clients, and regularly advises his clients on employment matters with a keen interest in helping them improve their resource management with a lean and effective approach. His clientele also includes executives, supervisory employees, and other white-collar employees, to whom he provides legal advice and representation in a vast array of labor, employment, and employee benefits matters.

Furthermore, his expertise extends to matters and cases in the areas of civil, administrative, and European Union law, including at the European Court of Justice.

Professional Affiliations: Member of AGI (Avvocati Giuslavoristi Italiani, i.e. the Italian Employment Lawyers Association) since 2002.


Anna Vittoria Altieri

A member of the Milan Bar Association since January 2023, in the same month Anna Vittoria joined Ichino – Brugnatelli e Associati.

In the same year she had worked with a leading multinational company, ensuring its compliance with Legislative Decree no. 231/2007, which lays down provisions on customer due diligence to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.

Marco Azzoni


Marco Azzoni joined Studio Legale Ichino Brugnatelli e Associati in November 2016, after practicing with other law firms in Lombardy in labour and employment areas.
He was appointed to be a member of the Certification Commission for Employment Contracts set up at the University of Pavia for some years, and completed research in the field of Labour and Industrial Relations, within the same University, in February 2017.
Publications: He regularly contributes to labour law journals.

Matteo Battiston


Matteo has worked with Ichino Brugnatelli e Associati since 2009, as a trainee first, and then as a lawyer specializing in banking and litigation.

Giacomo Bertelli


Giacomo joined Ichino Brugnatelli e Associati in 2016 while he was a student, before graduating in Law, to start his traineeship as a lawyer.

He specialises in labour and trade union matters, providing out-of-court assitance and  representation at court to clients including prime domestic and international companies. He is particularly expert in contract drafting, labour agreements, staff leasing, and contracting contracts.

Publications: He is author of articles and comments on labour law subjects, published by law journals.


Giovanni Luca Bertone


Gianluca joined the firm in 2010, after a collaboration  with  “Menichino Associati” law firm in Milan first and with the “Scorcelli, Rosa & Partners”.

He has considerable experience on issues related to labor law, social security and trade union relations, in particular on the management of extrajudicial and judicial litigation, as well as on labor law consultancy (non only in day-by-day activities but also in extraordinary operations such as collective dismissals or company transfers).

He collaborates with the HR and legal functions of Italian and multinational companies operating in publishing, entertainment, telecommunications, credit, industry, surveillance, commerce.

He  gained specific expertise in competition between companies, as well as in employment contracts clauses (as for example non-competition agreements, extension of notice agreements)