MILAN 20145
Via Lorenzo Mascheroni, 31
Tel. +39 02 4819 3249
Alessandro Marchese joined Studio Legale Ichino Brugnatelli e Associati in December 2020, already an experienced advisor and accomplished litigator. He has engaged in labour and trade union law practice for several years, providing ongoing assistance to corporate groups in diverse industries (including logistics/transportation, broadcasting, private healthcare and banking), also as seconded attorney, integrated into the relevant HR and legal teams.
Alessandro has developed specific expertise in issues relating to contracting out, with regard to joint and several liability under Article 29 of Legislative Decree no. 276/2003, and concerning social clauses in procurement procedures. He has counselled and represented clients in disciplinary disputes, reorganisation and staff reduction operations, industrial relations, top manager employment terminations, matters involving medical staff and journalists.
Prior to joining the firm, he had been with prime law firms in Milan, such as Studio Legale Daverio & Florio for about 5 years, with whom he advised and assisted at court domestic and international groups operating in various sectors, and Pirola Pennuto Zei & Associati. Additionally, thanks to several experiences in the labour law departments of various consulting companies, he can handle labour law due diligence activities in the context of corporate transactions.