ROME 00193
Via Pietro Cossa, 41
Ph. +39 06.454.395.00
Silvia came to Ichino Brugnatelli e Associati in 2021, together with Massimo Pallini, since she was already in his team of lawyers. She specialises in probate law, inheritance, and handles transactions aimed at the acquisition and transfer for any reason of real estate properties, including family arrangements on inheritance and the generational transfer of assets comprising, among others, real estate, share packages, corporate shareholdings, companies. She drafts real estate due diligences as need be.
She assists clients in matters related to Volontaria Giurisdizione (Voluntary Jurisdiction), drafting and filing appeals and providing assistance in the relative proceedings.
She also engages in the areas of civil and commercial law, with particular reference to probate law, real estate and corporate law. She also handles labour law and social security matters.